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welcome Pro.Dongfang Yang from Guizhou Minzu University to be committee menber


Pro.Dongfang Yang from Guizhou Minzu University

Research Area:
Environment, Ecology, Bio-geochemistry, Materials Science and Engineering

Research experience:
Institute of applied mathematics, Dalian University of Science & Technology, Master Degree. Research direction: Applied mathematics.
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science, Doctoral Degree. Research direction: Marine Biology & Ecology.
College of chemistry and chemical engineering and of environmental science and engineering studies, Ocean University of China, postdoctoral researcher. Research direction: Marine Biology & Ecology.
Shanghai Ocean University, Professor. Research direction: Marine Biology & Ecology.
Guizhou Minzu University, Professor. Research direction: Marine Biology & Ecology.
Research Project
IGlobal Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC)
IIJoint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) 
IIILand Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)
IVChina National Natural Science Foundation (31560107)
VResearch Projects of Guizhou Nationalities University ([2014]02)
VIResearch Projects of Guizhou Province Ministry of Education (KY [2014] 266)
VIResearch Projects of Guizhou Province Ministry of Science and Technology (LH [2014] 7376)
Representative Work
IEcological mathematics model and its application in marine ecology [J]. Marine Sciences, 2000, 24(6):21-24.
IIMechanism of nutrient silicon and water temperature on phytoplankton [J]. Marine Environmental Science, 2006, 25(1): 1-6.
IIIMechanism of nutrient Silicon and water temperature influences on phytoplanktongrowth [J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2006, 8(2): 49-59.
IVMarine Bay Ecology (I-II) [M]: Beijing, Ocean Precess, 2010.
VSilicon Mechanics of Earth Ecosystem [M]: Beijing, Ocean Precess, 2013.