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Welcome Zehui Chang from Inner Mongolia University of Technology /College of Energy and Power Engineering, be committee

2018-03-23 Zehui Chang from Inner Mongolia University of Technology /College of Energy and Power Engineering,China

Research Area:
Solar desalination/solar heating system/Concentrating solar photovoltaic and thermal system(CPVT)

Research experience:

A. Prof. Zehui Chang is the Young Innovative Talent of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Prairie Excellence Specialist, the membership of World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies and the expert of the Inner Mongolia Electric Power Association. A. Prof. Zehui Chang has been carrying out research in the area of Solar Energy Thermal Application Technology in the past thirteen years. He has a wide range of experience in solar energy applications including building heating system, brackish water desalination and soil disinfestation. A. Prof Chang started his PhD study at the Beijing Institute of Technology (top 20 in China) in September 2010. The subject of his PhD was thermophysical problem research on the concentrating light solar desalination system. From 2001, A. Prof Chang has been working at Inner Mongolia University of Technology. A. Prof Chang has published more than 50 refereed papers (more than 10 papers were published in international Journals (SCI), especially in Desalination, Renewable Energy and Applied Thermal Engineering). He has obtained 8 patents. He is the principal investigator for 1 research projects respectively funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51666013). He has been invited to serve as a keynote speaker at ICREEP 2016.