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Welcome Pro.Salvatore Grasso from University of Catania, Italy to be General Conference Chair!


Pro.Salvatore Grasso, University of Catania, Italy 

Research Area:

Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

Research experience:

Salvatore Grasso was born in Catania (Italy) on January 02, 1973. He graduated at the University of Catania, obtaining in 1998 a Degree in Geotechnical Engineering and in 2002 a Ph.D. in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. Actually he is researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, teaching the courses of “Geotechnics” and “Environmental Geotechnics”. His fields of research regard seismic geotechnical hazards, site effects and seismic response analysis, liquefaction, microzonation. He is author of more than 100 papers published in International Journals, special volumes and proceedings of International and National Conferences.